Choral News
Choral Night: Our spring choral concert this year will be at the Galvin Middle School, and will feature Chorale, Treble Choir, Chamber Singers, and the Wakefield A Cappella groups. Mark your calendars! Wednesday, May 8th, 7pm
MMEA All-State: Congratulations to Casey MacGibbon, Elisabeth Nordeen, Ava Spies, Samantha Prosperi on their performance at Symphony Hall with the 240 member MMEA All-State Chorus. The students spent three days rehearsing with Dr. Kimberly Dunn Adams (Western Michigan University), which culminated in the performance on March 2nd.
Welcome, Ms. Forbes! Last week, we welcomed Ms. Rachel Forbes to the WHS Choral Department. Ms. Forbes is currently in her senior year studying music education at UMass Amherst, and will be with us until the middle of May.

‘Cuse Visit: The Syracuse University Singers (of which WHS Choral Department alumna Mackenzie Mildram ‘13 was part), will be visiting Wakefield High School on Friday, April 5. Students in Chamber Singers and Treble Choir will be singing for and with the SU ensemble, and will participate in a clinic with their conductor, John F. Warren. Chorale students are invited to observe the workshop.
MICCA: Due to difficult scheduling, the honors ensembles will not be attending MICCA this year.
Wakefield A Cappella
ICHSA: She Major & Voices of Steel competed in the International Championship of High School A Cappella Quarterfinal on February 9. While they did not place in the competition, both groups gave outstanding and powerful performances.
ACIAD: The 3rd Annual A Cappella In a Day (ACIAD) is scheduled for Saturday, May 11 at GMS. Students from various schools will mix up to form new a cappella groups, and learn a new song from start to finish in a day! Tickets will be on sale soon!

WAC groups have been actively performing in the community! Most recently, She Major provided music for the 3rd Annual Wakefield Human Rights Commission International Women’s Day panel discussion. Last week, Voices of Steel performed with the Wakefield All-Town 4th Grade Chorus.
Upcoming Events
Term 4 is right around the corner! Check out these upcoming events!
VPAD: Friday, April 12
Choral Night: Wednesday, May 8 (Dress Rehearsal April 30)
ACIAD: Saturday, May 11