Electronic Music
5 Credits - CP
Full Year
Electronic Music Composition and Songwriting is a full year class designed to expose students to music software that allows them to compose, arrange, and produce new material. Students will experiment with songwriting strategies and techniques that will allow them to write original music. Students will also study the art of songwriting by listening to some of the great songwriters of our time and studying lyrics as poetry.
AP Music Theory
5 Credits - AP
Full Year
Prerequisite: Music Theory and Composition I & II or the equivalent
AP Music Theory is a full year comprehensive course designed for students who desire to pursue music as a career and study at the college level. This course will include the study of melodic and harmonic language, structure and form. Students will also develop aural skills through dictation work and sight singing using solfege syllables and note names. Students will be strongly encouraged to take the AP exam as a natural progression of this course. Nightly homework should be expected.
Music Theory 1
2.5 Credits - CP
Terms 1-2
This course is an elective in the performing arts department open to all students in grades 9-12. This course teaches basic music fundamentals including reading rhythms, clefs, scales, intervals, keys and elementary harmony. This course will also prepare students to analyze the basic melodic and harmonic structure of music and to apply this knowledge to articulate and interpret their own musical ideas in compositional form.
Music Theory 2
2.5 Credits - Honors
Terms 3-4
Students enrolled in Music Theory & Composition II will expand their knowledge of basic theory and modes of music analysis. The main emphasis will be on four-part chorale-style writing to learn advanced harmony, modulation and other compositional styles. Students will also develop aural skills through dictation work and sight singing using solfege syllables and note names. Students enrolled in Music Theory and Composition II will complete a minimum of one compositional project per term, accompanied by a written evaluation of their project. Students who successfully complete this course will be adequately prepared to enter college as a music major.