November 27, 2024
Choral Ensembles
CONCERT SEASON APPROACHES: Our Winter concert will take place at the Galvin Middle School Auditorium on Wednesday, December 11th at 7 PM. All curricular groups will perform: Chorale, Chamber Singers, Treble Choir, Concert Band, Wind Ensemble, String Orchestra, and String Ensemble. The DRESS REHEARSAL for Chorale, Treble Choir, and Chamber Singers will be on Monday, December 9th, from 5:15-6:30 PM. Your singer has access to a document on Google Classroom called “Concert Information for December 2024 Winter Concert” that has all the pertinent information for the performance and dress rehearsal. A reminder that the dress rehearsal and concert are mandatory events. The Winter Concert is a free event, with donations to the Wakefield Music Boosters accepted at the door.
CONCERT ATTIRE: Please make sure students have everything they need for concert attire. Check the Handbook or Concert Information Document for details on concert attire.
A Cappella Groups
HOLIDAY GIGS: December is a busy month for the Wakefield A Cappella program! Students will be performing frequently in and around the community. Voices of Steel will be performing Friday, December 6 at the WCNA Lighting of the Lights, followed by the Pie Social at the FPCC, the Dolbeare Winter Wonderland on Saturday, December 7, the Hartshorne House Holiday Tea on Sunday, December 8, and at the Lions Club Arrival of Santa on Saturday, December 14. They will be singing for special members of the community at Brightview Senior Living and for healthcare professionals at the Melrose-Wakefield Light the Way Event. You can hear VOS while you shop at The Sweetbay Shop throughout the month of December! They are also super excited to sing for all of the PK-4 students in Wakefield at three elementary tours. And don’t miss the annual Holiday A Cappella performance at the Albion Cultural Exchange, featuring special guests Mic Drop, on Thursday, December 19. Follow them on social media to see where their next performance will be!
Exciting Notes
Voices of Steel and Mic Drop had their first performances of the year at the first Fall Fest, which we co-hosted with North Reading High School. Thanks to all who came out to support us that night!

Chamber Singers and Treble Choir were honored to perform as part of the WMHS Thanksgiving Pep Rally on November 27.
ICHSA: Voices of Steel was accepted into the Varsity Vocals International Championship of High School A Cappella competition. The quarterfinal round takes place at Galvin Middle School on Feb 1.
DISTRICT AUDITION RESULTS: WHS students had a very successful day at District Auditions this year! Out of the 35 vocal students who auditioned, eleven students were accepted into the Northeast District Chorus: Hailey Allocco, Ben Blackstone, Samantha Bordonaro, James Brogna, Naya Chankhour, Brendan Leane, Chloe Migliacci, Jhalak Patel, Lucy Spry, John Werth, and Jacob Williams. In addition, Hailey Allocco, Samantha Bordonaro, and Jhalak Patel received a recommendation to audition for the All-State Chorus on January 25. The District Festival will be held on January 8, 10, and 11 at Lexington HS.

Throughout the months of December and January, performing arts students will be selling calendars full of prizes to be awarded during the month of February. There is a prize for each day! Calendars are $10 and can be purchased with cash, check or venmo to the Wakefield Music Boosters (@Wakefield Music).
Student Perspective Please enjoy this note from one of our students, senior Jhalak Patel!!
Hello everyone! My name is Jhalak Patel, and I'm the Student Director of Voices of Steel and Alto Section Leader for the Treble Choir. The WHS Choral Department did some amazing things this November. Voices of Steel hosted A Capella Fall Fest with NOTEorious right at the start of the month, and we saw 12 awesome a cappella groups perform. On November 16th, all honors music groups went to Senior District Festival auditions. Many musicians got accepted into the festival, and some were even recommended for All-State auditions! All the choral groups are also working super hard on their Winter Concert music, hoping to have a fun and fantastic Winter Concert in December. The winter season will be super exciting with many Voices of Steel gigs, Jolly Jingle shows, and the Tri-M winter concert. I hope December continues to be as exciting as November!
Winter Concert Dress Rehearsal, December 9, 5:15-6:30 PM, at Galvin Middle School
Winter Concert, December 11, 7 PM, at Galvin Middle School
We are thankful for all of our wonderful students and families in the WMHS Choral Department. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!
