Choral Groups
WRAPPING UP: Another great year of music making comes to a close! It was wonderful to be back to our “normal” performance schedule this past year, and we experienced so much joy singing together in class and on stage. Treble Choir and Chamber Singers have an assignment to work on for the summer: to get a head start on learning the Senior District Audition piece, “I Will Be With You,” by Sarah Quartel, and to learn (or review) their part in the Star Spangled Banner, in preparation for our community performances in the fall. Both groups finished the year with small ensemble performances of Renaissance era pieces that they learned entirely on their own, culminating in a class concert during the Final Exam block. Finally, Chamber Singers memorialized a key piece of their learning this year with a sign that now hangs proudly in the Chorus Room.
A Cappella Groups
AUDITIONS: Thirty-four singers auditioned for Voices of Steel - the most since 2019! We were thrilled to hear everyone’s audition, and the decisions were difficult. Next year’s Voices of Steel group already met several times to plan their competition set for the 2024 season, and they are off to a great start. If you or anyone you know is interested in joining Mic Drop, please contact Mrs. Morel!
2022-2023 Accomplishments - Year in Review
Our students accomplished so much this year! Here’s a look back:
Chamber Singers, Treble Choir, Voices of Steel, and Mic Drop performed at numerous community events, including the WAAV White Ribbon Event, the town-wide Veterans’ Day Ceremony, the Megan Burnett Memorial Concert sponsored by Tri-M, and Light the Way for health care workers at Melrose Wakefield Hospital
Voices of Steel & Mic Drop shared the first ever A Cappella Fall Fest with area high school a cappella groups
Winter Concert in December & Choral Night Concert in May
We brought back much loved and missed events such as VPAD and Jolly Jingle Express
We brought Ball in the House to Wakefield for our 11th Annual A Cappella Night
Students from Chorale, Treble Choir, Chamber Singers, and Voices of Steel performed at the National A Cappella Convention
Voices of Steel competed in the ICHSA Quarterfinals
JaMauri Belmer, Cavan Hill, McKayla Herzog, Isaac Melo, Abby Stratton, & Lucy Spry were accepted into the Junior Festival Chorus, and Hailey Allocco, Samantha Bordonaro, Nadia Collins, Michaela Lyons, Paige MacGibbon, & Morgan Wallace were accepted into the Senior Festival Chorus
Paige MacGibbon and Morgan Wallace were accepted into the Massachusetts All State Chorus
Last but not least, CONGRATULATIONS to our Senior Award Winners:
Choral Award for Musicianship, Leadership, & Dedication to choral music: Bridget Breda & Drew Schermerhorn
Dr. Steven Maio Award for Enthusiasm, Dedication, & Versatility in the Performing Arts: Paige MacGibbon

Summer A Cappella Workshop - August 21-25, 2023 for rising 7-9th grade students!!
Thank you!
As we finish out the year, I wanted to say thank you for your support of the
WHS Choral Department this year.
I hope everyone has a fun-filled and relaxing summer!