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Choral Dept Update - October 2016

Ana Morel

We are almost through the first term of this school year, and students in choral ensembles have been busy learning music and preparing for our concert in December! Here are some helpful reminders as we end Term 1 and begin to prepare for the busy concert season!

Uniforms: Unless your son or daughter has been contacted privately, his or her uniform is ready to take home! Students are not allowed to take uniforms home until they turn in the Uniform Utilization Agreement and turn it in. I’m attaching a pdf of both forms in case your son or daughter misplaced the form. Students should try on their uniforms and let me know if anything needs to be changed. Men are also required to purchase a white, long-sleeved wing-tipped tuxedo shirt. These are available at several local stores and online. In addition, all students should have black shoes and black socks/nylons.

District Auditions: We have a record breaking 54 students auditioning from the Choral Department this year! Auditions will take place on Saturday, 11/19. As soon as our time is set by the Auditions Coordinator, I will let students know. The bus will leave from and return to Wakefield High School. Students should dress nicely. Thanks to Sheri & Lou Prosperi for volunteering to chaperone our students, as Mr. Bankert, Ms. Bowen, and I are all working for the District that day. Some students still need to turn in their permission slips, and they have been reminded via email and in class. If your son or daughter is accepted into the festival, they will have the opportunity to rehearse and perform with the Northeast District Senior Choir. Dates are January 11, 13, and 14, and the festival will take place this year at UMass Lowell.

December Concert and Dress Rehearsal: Our December concert will take place at the Galvin Middle School Auditorium on Tuesday, December 20th at 7pm. All curricular groups will perform: Chorale, Chamber Singers, Treble Choir (their debut!), Concert Band, Wind Ensemble, String Orchestra, and String Ensemble. Our Dress Rehearsal will be on Monday, 12/19, with specific times for each group TBA. Students should reserve the evening, but each group will only have about 30 minutes on stage.

She Major & Voices of Steel: Both groups submitted their ICHSA audition videos. If accepted, they will compete at the ICSHA Quarterfinal at the GMS on February 11th. In addition, both groups will apply for the NE Voices competition on January 27th. They now are learning more repertoire for concerts and competitions AND Christmas carols for holiday gigs. Please make sure your son or daughter is staying on top of his or her schedule gigs in December. It becomes very busy very quickly and both groups are very active in the community! Also, the next Disney payment is due on November 18th. @shemajorwhs | She Major FB | @voicesofsteel | Voices of Steel FB

Stay Connected! Check out my website for more information on performance dates, and follow me on Facebook and Twitter for quick updates.

As always, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Happy Halloween!!

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Wakefield Memorial High School
Choral Department

Tel: 781-246-6440

60 Farm Street

Wakefield, MA 01880

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